Ireland’s No.1 choice for custom saunas.

Discover bespoke sauna builds within the comfort of your desired space built to your needs.

Discover the Benefits of Our Saunas

Effortless Relaxation

Saunas offer a unique retreat where stress dissolves effortlessly, promoting mental and physical relaxation.

Natural Detoxification

Through the simple act of sweating, saunas help cleanse the body of toxins, enhancing overall well-being and skin health.

Heart Health Boost

The gentle heat improves circulation, mimicking the benefits of light exercise by giving your heart a healthy workout.

Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation

Warmth from the sauna penetrates deep into muscles and joints, easing pain and reducing inflammation.

Increased Productivity

The sauna, a place to unwind and allow for an abundance of creative thoughts to come to mind.

Experience the Pinnacle of Recovery

Our world-class saunas elevate temperatures to 80-100°C, enhancing bloodflow thoughout the body.